Electronic Archive Management System: A Case Study in University of Basrah, Iraq.

Ali Shawqi Badran, Alaa Khalaf Hamoud


The problem of the university employee’s file is summarized by the almost daily need to review administrative orders, documents, and other details that are needed periodically, and at the same time it is difficult to refer to the university employee or even the paper folder to extract the required information. As time progresses, techniques and tools appear that facilitate work, reduce the resources used, and reduce the manual and paper-based approach to solving administrative problems. The electronic archive management system is a web-based system that works that provides special interfaces for the university employee (lecturer or employee) and the administration, as well as management staff. Based on interview, documentation, and observation, and qualitative analysis, the proposed system allows stakeholders to download and view his/her scientific activities and active participation from all over the world on a regular basis, which enables the management staff to conduct all statistics easily and quickly without fatigue or time consuming. The system provides the statistics required by the academic agencies, and allow managers downloading and reviewing all university employee activities. It also archives all data for lecturers with the date they were obtained and the place where they were obtained, as well as academic titles with their dates and other details. The system reduces the resources required in the paper-based system which are susceptible to damage, require space and files to store, and are easily lost and cannot be accessed easily. The system also essentially reduces human effort and provides high accuracy in retrieving the required information.


Archive System; Electronic Management; University Employee; Web Application; Qualitative Analysis.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/scjournal.v13i2.304


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ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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